Thursday, June 02, 2011

Pure (Mother)

We rush and fuss
And run and cook and plan
Because we need you to know
That your years matter to US

We gather to honour
Pay tribute and laud
The Mother we love
The Woman you are

Yes, we tease
All your delightful entricities
As you offer us
A nice sang-wich
And a glass of melk
Poured from a bohtle

Not bothered, you shrug
You know who you are

And we remember
How you told us
Our little fingers were the perfect size
For cleaning in this little corner
right over here
Be sure to get right in there

And how “that’s a good job for you”
Always meant it would be a recurring one

But as you work so hard
For us, for others, for beauty

What I see is your heart
Rising again to face another day
Your heart reaching out
Doing for others
Your best offer for nurturing
Pulling from all of us, strangers and friends
Our best efforts on behalf of others

You are


To the one I love

My Pearl
My Girl
Mag, Maggie, Magpie
Our Dolly, Molly

I give you this gift
As a life line  _________

Take up this pen
Like a sword

Fight for your life
Scratch lines in this paper
As if it were your skin

Pour out this ink as if it were

Write and draw and doodle and rhyme
As if your life depends on it

Because it does


And pour it out
All of it
Happy and sad
Scarred and beautiful
Broken and chipped

Because this is life
This is YOUR life
(it just is)

So shout it loud
And write it proud

And never forget, I love you
All that you are
All that you once were
All that you will become

Because, you’re my girl.